kami nada gambar sama2 sal nada urg gambar kan..hehehe
yes yes..ugly..so wat maaa..
Next!jim's puhlaceee..guitar hero world tour!
aku nyanyi na ingat dunia..siuk bah ehhhhh...
gila danggg..muha i atu..lawa hantap..hahhaha!i dont like main drum atu..sial ba..
sama lah,hehe..black and white eh..hahahha
with my two cinta..
Next!football night out!
Us.. <3>
i wuv u guys sho sho much..we had fun!masa ujan pun kami siuk..siuk lah kami..kami memang siuk..siuk lah pokoknya..hahaha!sorry i tak dapat pada besok malam..
Next!abg noi kawin!=)
sebenarnya banyak lagi gambar lagi p i malas le nak simpan..btah ahh..hehe
I miss you guys..
Next!tattoo day!kami jobless kli zahid kah bawa tu tattoo yg rakat kai air atu..yg dulu rah chewing gum ada..well,my tattoo emm noty sikit..hehhe.. duan the nottiest..and others becinta..hahhaa!
Aimi,duan and me!yg lain nada bah gambar sal durng masa tu abis dah..kami saja yg masih sibuk..haha!
actually i dont apa ertinya yg ku buat ani..lawa bah word pnjang sama pindik atu..haha!
apa tu nah ertinya?notyyyy..hahahaha!
Next!nada..hahha..pasal kemarin lah ah ku ceta..lijah memet and I memanasa kan jubur diskulah so kami balik awal lah lam kul12 atu..we had fun!we laughed alot..ALOT!balik pun masih catu..kli kami mau memburu so kami suruh mirul dtg..rehat2 lu rumah memet kali lastu baru kami jalan memburu..it was HOT!panas banar kaliah p sal kan memburu sanggup tia jua..my phone battery kan abis so since rumah memet urg nya semua kai sony,ku pajal si mirul bgi battery nya..na ya mau..kli kerumahnya tah mencharge..dirumahnya,kami menalur..and bla bla bla bla..hahaha!aku ingat semua!!!!!damn!im so proud of myself!biasanya wa na ku ingat ni..ani ingat!apakan?biar tia aku bangga wa..jarang wa ni..gnya aku malas cerita semua..naleh ku eh..
Najihah Kamilah aka Lah..emm what to say..i love this girl..always makes me laugh and smile eventhough deep inside im fucking crushed and sad and mad..HEHE..thank you for that..i am really grateful that i met you and i appreciate every single word u said..sometimes we share our problems and advise each other although we sometimes can be carzy and very crazy and very very crazy..hahaha!crazy people have feelings too you know..I always go to her when im not in the best mood..im not using her..kan lah?antah ah..paham2 lah kau ah..hahaha..and also,i can say that she's my walking diary cause i told her almost everything=)..and and we love to get hungry..bukan pulang makan ni..lapar pulang tani suka ni..hahaha..ks..
Walijah Ali aka Lijah..this girl..si bangas..my partner in crime diskulah..we so lazy but malas lagi aku..this girl ah..also ba..always makes me laugh and smile when im down..although people might say our friendship is very weird and awkward..you know why lijah..we dont talk about those things rite..paham2 sja kau lijah ah..hahahaha..okaaayyy..back to business..yatahkan..this girl,i alwys tagur di msn..we always support each other when it comes to making decisions and solving our problems..im very thankful i have a friend like you who support me and be with me when im in need or not..and we swear alot..we just love swearing..hehe..ks to you too..
I am very very happy that im surrounded by great people..i love them all..i love you guys so much..you guys mean so much to me..and i just cant tell how grateful i am having you guys in my life..mcm repeat2 jua ah..i want to list out names tapi aku malas sal krg ada tetinggal..u know who you are..=) bye.
P/s: sorry klu salah urang putih atu..HAHA.
I Love Muhd Izzullah Jamil.