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Wednesday 1 December 2010

Hello my dusty diary!

I am back!Finished with my alevel..thank god its over..hope ill get good grades but if i dont,then fuck off..and yea..im getting fatter..2010..more fats,more flabs..need to lose some weight..so currently,bukit helang is my trainer..its good for people like me who needs money who needs to lose weight to have a trainer like bukit helang cause its free =p its hard you know start lampuh ani masa 2010 ganya..lakastah liat ah bila start lampuhh..hehe..

JANUARY2010- hmm..belum berisi p kan udah..

FEBRUARY2010- damnn..muha tabammmmmm..hehe..

JUNE2010- muha tabam on full blast..hahaha!time cani tah i decided to go tasek..

Sooooo,currently..im still fat..hahahha..emm what about my love life?well,lets not go there..that is for me to know and for you to not find out..
hehe..well lets just say..emm..im just trying to terima apa adanya..kana return my love or inda kana return..let it be..kana choose or inda kana choose..juts let it be..its sad but its kinda my fault..well well well..kenapa cia be emo ani..like a very good long lost of mine said "this is so not you yas".. yes i agree with him..im not the type yang suka sad sad..my love izz..look look look..

The boy who took care of me when i got admitted dihospital..the boy who is always there 24/7..ani lapas abis betahan dihospital..i still love him..

My boy..
Owh yea..speaking of this very good long lost friend of mine..known him for almost five years..and why he's a good friend?cause no matter how long inda becakap or bejumpa..we still clicked..he still cares..he still can put a smile on my face and make me laugh..and i can say he's a long lost friend that i can depend on..why do i call him my long lost friend kannnn??pasal kan batah wa udah na jumpa..becakap pun kejarangan..but hey,like i said he's a friend that i can depend on..a friend that i can trust to catch me kalau gugur..a friend who believes that im strong emotionally..not physically pulang..hehe..a friend that can lift me up when i was down..a friend who keeps on checking my blog though ia tau blog ani ne beupdate..hehe..and a friend who i belive sayang me soooooo much..and that very good friend is.. *drum roll* APPPPIIISSSSSSS!!!you see why i call you my long lost friend?gambar tani wa nada..langsung!canakan show the whole world you are a great friend?hehe..we should gambar when tani jalan ah ah ah?=)

wow..banyak eh i typed..im gonna go drink my sprite and off to sleep..night!

yas bercerita @* 00:48

Thursday 17 September 2009


I am so sleepy right now..p na mau sleep sal nya im so hungry..so lapar..p na mau makan sal nya im soo malas..so lazy kan kebawah..so i just sit here doing nothing..izz is asleep..u know..i always liat izz tidur..HEHE.

I think im in love with izz..I think i like him..I think i wanna be with him.hahahhaah!I told him just right before ia tidur that im going to update this blog and ckp pasal ia sleep cause kan i took lots and lots and lots of gambar ia tidur..p lupa dimana taruh..i am very forgetful nowadays and its very frustrating..unable to recall apa yg udah dibuat is beery menyasakkan..yatakan ani gambar nya sikit saja..hahahah!so pani u know this guy..but i love him..=)

Our relationship is still going strong..tho ada ups and downs and recently yg down2 p nya HEHE..i just love this guy..he wont be coming back to brunei..thats a bum..batah lagi tu kan ya na balik..p apa bulih buat..and and na dapat raya sama ia..raya with him arah webcam saja..pakai cara melayu kai baju kurung angkut laptop kemana2..hahahah!oba sikit..

HEHE..hai sayang..me na mau malukan u so me taruh gmabr me tidur p sikit saja p me esen pulang tu sal nada g gambar u sleep sal me lupa dimana me truh..okay napa ckp disini ani kan..bye..

yas bercerita @* 01:19

Sunday 6 September 2009

i, your boyfriend, misses you so much.

i miss seeing that cheeky smile on your face.

i love you.


yas bercerita @* 19:11

Friday 21 August 2009


I think its time for me to blog again..since im bored and got nothing to do..hehe..tomorow's gonna be the first day of ramadhan..that means its FASTING MONTH people..i love ramdhan and syawal..who doesnt right?happy fasting people!

Masatukan,Izz balik wa..tapi seminggu saja..the purpose of him coming back to brunei was to see his bestfriends yg ia nakan jumpa lagi lama lah lagi..so iatah ia balik..he always ckp pasal his bestfriends..he loves his bestfriends..alot i tell you..hehe..i love you syg..

Yes,i did get to see him after ia na sibuk lagi sama his friends..i dont wanna interfere(sp?) his moments sama kawannya..hahaha..lama wa tu lagi ia na kan jumpa kawannya atu especially nabil and fiyyan..so i let him spend time sama kawannya dulu..

here comes my part,hahahah..no..na kami jalan2..stay saja drumah..hari ani at my house kali esuknya at his house..catu tah saja..we watched movies and ceta2 kli tetidur..emm aku pulang tu yg tetidur..hehe..and and i showed him my omars..liat arah cd yg masa kaka izah kawin..apa lagi ah..tho byk na buat apa2 p i had a great time with izz..membuang rindu wa tu eh..haha..kali i dint get to send him off ahh..p na apalah..i love you..

apa lagi..owh yea..i miss ni durng ahh..my bimbonks..my krayjeh people..jgn lupa sungkai and sahur okay???i mean sama2..

ann,jolin yawps..love you people..

yas bercerita @* 14:16

Tuesday 21 July 2009

you question me why you always have to takecare of my feelings but why don't i takecare of yours?

the best answer i can come up is that i'll have a lifetime to takecare of yours, if you know what i mean :)

i may not be the best of boyfriends but i'll be the first among equals to love you better and proper.

i may suck at being nice but i'll be number one in being an asshole :p

i have anger management but i've got issues with letting go as well :D

i love you syg, nothing beats being the boyfriend of the most awesome girlfriend that i've ever had.

and oh yeah, chill kay syg. i'm here so you don't have to worry about a thing :)


I love my Bebeh.

yas bercerita @* 22:50

Sunday 19 July 2009

happiness is in the eye of the beholder.


yas bercerita @* 12:45

Monday 13 July 2009

making love with the headset baby :b

yeah, you're probably right. you're the one who should sing this song :D


I love my bebeh ;)

yas bercerita @* 19:36


Free Web Counter
YAS. just another human on Earth :)
pemalas sepemalas pemalas nya!


Amal yawps my love
Annie the layout changer
Izz yg jauh dimata dekat dihati
Baby wankuu~
Eyeteaserz ku yg kan becerita tah gnya
ETC- wane kau jamban
ETC- belle yang bebulu
ETC- yiena pukina yang pandai menari
Oh kakaku si angau
SDR- Naj yang lawa sama ajim ja
SDR- Pah yang selalu di buli
DR-Lijah pengucapan pastu kna karma
SDR- Aimi yang paling ku tatut
SDR- Fiqah ks awak le
SDR- Naj&Aimi sentiasa di hati yas.
SDR- Hazwan bininya no 4, aku!
SDR- Zed abang long sdr
SDR- Aziz penyanyi sdr
SDR- Waie the horniest guy on earth
SDR- Duan gatal no.1
Jim my sexy babe
Paten antah kau apa
Fazil tshirt obsesser.
Mirul laki paksaan
Zimo ya ckp ya kana panggil womanizer
Wann the security
Afsah tpi ia buat zuka
Dylla my hot guider
Patong Agas


SDR- naaj latif

Oh Boy~!


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2010
come and go.